At the JF International Music Academy (JFIMA), we invite students of all ages to discover the beauty of the fine arts. Our curriculum seamlessly integrates Eastern and Western music traditions, enriching musical education for our students and fostering cultural diversity within the Lincoln community.

For lesson availability and any inquiries about our Academy, please don't hesitate to contact us. We eagerly anticipate the opportunity to meet you and share the boundless joy of music together.

Dr. Feifei Jiang, Music Director

Piano Competitions

Many music competitions offer invaluable opportunities for personal and professional growth for aspiring musicians. They provide a platform to overcome challenges, connect with influential figures, gain exposure, and receive recognition. While the judging process is inherently subjective, the experience itself fosters development and inspiration. By preparing diligently, choosing suitable competitions, and utilizing available resources, musicians can maximize the benefits and enjoy a rewarding journey through the competitive landscape. In JF International Music Academy, As piano teachers, we play a crucial role in helping students prepare for these competitions by providing guidance, support, and tailored instruction.

ABRSM & Music Level Test

The ABRSM, or the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music, is a UK-based organization that provides internationally recognized music exams and assessments. It is one of the leading authorities in music education and offers graded exams for various musical instruments, music theory, and practical musicianship.

The Nebraska Music Teachers Association (NMTA) Music Level Test is an evaluation program designed to assess the musical proficiency and development of students across various stages of their music education. This program, specifically tailored for music students in Nebraska, covers a wide array of areas, including performance, technique, music theory, and aural skills.

Additionally, we assist our students in preparing for and passing both the ABRSM and NMTA Music Level Tests in piano performance and music theory, ensuring they achieve their full potential.

Support for Communities

As piano teachers and performers, we are dedicated to supporting our communities through music. We regularly perform at retirement homes, connect with and serve local churches, and collaborate with other musicians and music teachers. These activities reflect our commitment to enriching lives and strengthening community bonds through the power of music.

“Don’t only practice your art, but force your way into its secrets, for it and knowledge can raise men to the divine.”

Ludwig van Beethoven


Feel free to contact us with any questions.


(620) 757 6925